First of all make you alertpay account this is your online bank like paypal!

Alertpay, How to create a free account

What is AlertPay?

Alertpay is a system for recovery / payment like PayPal (allows doing business via the Internet, protecting your identity and details of your credit cards, without the need to be recorded by all sides). There is no need to take credit card to sign up for AlertPay, because if you win money they pay pages with this system, you put them in your mind AlertPay. Besides Alertpay has referral system.

Steps to register for Free on AlertPay:

Step 1: Enter the page AlertPay.

Step 2: Once you open the page AlertPay, click on the link: "Sign Up" (upper right)

Step 3: Here you should select your country: Choose your Country
and then click on "Create Account" Personal Pro.

Step 4: Complete contact information (Contact information)

First Name: (Your Name)
Last Name: (Your name)
* Phone: (Your phone,,)
* Address 1: (Your address)
* Address 2: (your second direction is optional)
* City / Town: (Your City)
Country: (and was selected in the passage above)
* Region: (Your region)
*Postal Code (your zip code, completing the entire space)

(*) Council: points with asterisks can invent, but to charge should be amended later.

Then click on "Next" and complete the following details in this order:

- Email (It must be true because it came after an e-mail confirming registration)
- Your password (Inventing a password to
- Repeat password (repeat the same password)

- Select the first question (if we forget your password is required to fill this item) *
- Answering the first question (invent and remember)
- Select the second question (if we forget your password is required to fill this item) *
- Answering the second question (invent and remember)

- Set the security code (copy the code you show up)

- Accept its terms of use (click on the box of ¨ I agree to AlertPay's ¨ ..)

(*) Council: Selected questions and the answers can memorize or keep in a safe place in case you need to retrieve your password, if you forget it.

Step 5: Activate your account AlertPay

Here you send an email to your email box (with the subject "AlertPay: Validate Your Email), the open and verify your email, by clicking on the link to give you.

The link looks like this: /ValidateEmail.aspx?CXV3azZ0cW..........

Step 6: Opens AlertPay and complete with your password. Hacer clic en "Log in". Click "Log in".

Step 7: Then you are going to ask that you create a code (invent and keep in a safe place), this is the code needed for transferring money.

Create PIN Transaction: (Create your PIN number)
Re-enter Transaction PIN: (Repeat PIN)

* The PIN should be between 4 to 8 numbers.

Done, you can register in different PTC SITES or Survay SIte or any other method to start earning for free.